Friday, July 6, 2007

Look at list

Most of this is copywritten

level 2: still super easy, just melt it all the way to the end.

level 3. starting to get a little harder… Just go through all the squares 1 by 1…

level 4. The path is getting twisty! Don’t worry, just be aware of squares

level 5: in order to go through a plain, just do lots of S’s

level 6: full of twist and turns, but it’s all about going through an area, so just make S’s

level 7: the new white block is introduced! You need to go through it twice in order to melt it.

level 8: just make opportunities for going through white blocks twice. It’s pretty easy.

level 9: when going through a corridor with white blocks on the side, do S’s and somehow go
back the same corridor of ice.

level 10: be creative! Don’t stuck in 1 method, try out different ones! Eventually you will find the solution! Also, be sure to get the key before going to the end!

level 11: Getting harder… If you observe carefully, you will notice that you can actually do an “S” right on 2 white blocks! This will get rid of them and not affecting any other blocks or the direction you are going!

level 12: There are lots of different ways to go through a passage, just try every possible way and eventually you will get the answer!

level 13: push the movable block to the box marked with a “x” !

From now on Waddel on MY FRIENDS
(My CP name is Annarox443 in the server of usa